"How can we influence the Product Roadmap?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-08-04


The question "How can we influence the Product Roadmap?" is often asked by customers during the RFP process, specifically in the category of customer-success. This question revolves around the customer's desire to understand how they can have a say in shaping the future direction and priorities of the product being offered by the provider. By asking this question, the customer is seeking information on how their feedback, suggestions, and requirements can be considered and incorporated into the provider's product roadmap.

Similar questions related to this topic could include:

  1. How can we provide input on new features or enhancements?
  2. What is the process for submitting feature requests?
  3. Are there any opportunities for customers to participate in beta testing?

Why is this asked?

The customer is asking this question because they want to ensure that their specific needs, preferences, and suggestions are taken into account while the provider determines the future roadmap of the product. They may have unique requirements or ideas that they believe will enhance the product's value and align it more closely with their business needs. By understanding how they can influence the roadmap, the customer expects to have a sense of ownership and collaboration in the product's development, fostering a stronger partnership with the provider.

Key information to include in your Answer

  1. Explain the process for collecting and prioritizing customer feedback.
  2. Describe any formal channels or systems in place for customers to submit feature requests or suggestions.
  3. Discuss how the provider evaluates and incorporates customer feedback into the product roadmap.
  4. Highlight any mechanisms for customers to participate in beta testing or early access programs.
  5. Explain the criteria used by the provider to determine which features or enhancements make it into the roadmap.
  6. Provide examples of how customer input has influenced previous versions or updates of the product.
  7. Mention any regular communication or updates provided to customers regarding the progress and status of the product roadmap.
  8. Provide details on any customer advisory boards or forums where customers can directly engage with the provider's product teams.
  9. Discuss the frequency of product roadmap updates and how customers can stay informed about upcoming changes.
  10. Mention any additional resources or tools available to customers for tracking and influencing the product roadmap, such as user forums, customer portals, or feedback management software.

Example Answers

Example 1:

Yes, we have a well-defined process in place to gather customer feedback and incorporate it into our product roadmap. We have a dedicated customer success team that regularly engages with our customers through surveys, user groups, and direct conversations to understand their needs and priorities. We also have an online portal where customers can submit feature requests and suggestions, which are reviewed by our product management team. We evaluate all the inputs based on specific criteria such as customer demand, business impact, and technical feasibility. Customer feedback has been instrumental in driving the development of several key features and enhancements in our recent roadmap updates.

Example 2:

Absolutely! We highly value our customers' input and offer multiple avenues for them to influence our product roadmap. We have a customer advisory board where a select group of customers collaborate closely with our product team, providing continuous feedback, ideas, and recommendations. In addition to the advisory board, all customers have the opportunity to submit feature requests and suggestions through our online feedback portal. Our product team evaluates each submission, taking into consideration factors such as customer demand and alignment with our long-term product vision. We regularly communicate roadmap updates to our customers and provide them with an opportunity to participate in beta testing, giving them early access to upcoming features and the ability to provide feedback before a public release.

Example 3:

Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not have a formal process in place for customers to directly influence our product roadmap. However, we recognize the importance of customer feedback and continuously strive to gather and evaluate individual requests and suggestions. While we cannot guarantee every customer request will be implemented, we review and consider all inputs to ensure we are aware of the various needs and perspectives of our customer base. We are actively exploring options to enhance our customer feedback collection and evaluation process to provide a more streamlined and transparent approach to incorporating customer input into our product roadmap. In the meantime, we encourage our customers to continue sharing their suggestions and requests, as each piece of feedback is valuable and helps us shape the future direction of our products.

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