"Is code development completed in-house or by a third party?"
Answer examples and tips for RFPs

Last updated by Brecht Carnewal Brecht Carnewal on 2023-07-30


The question seeks to clarify whether the code development for the project is done in-house or outsourced to a third party. Knowing this information is crucial for understanding the level of control and security measures that can be implemented during the development process. While this question primarily focuses on the security aspect, it also touches on the organizational structure and resource allocation for code development.

Similar Questions:

  1. What measures are in place to ensure the security of code development?
  2. Are there any third-party vendors involved in the development process?

Why is this asked?

The person asking this question aims to assess the potential risks associated with code development and understand the level of control they may have over the process. By knowing whether the code development is done in-house or outsourced to a third party, they can evaluate the security protocols in place, such as code reviews, vulnerability testing, and adherence to industry best practices.

Key information to include in your Answer

  1. Specify whether code development is done in-house or by a third party.
  2. Explain the reasoning behind the chosen approach.
  3. Highlight any security measures in place during code development, such as code reviews, security testing, and access controls.
  4. Emphasize the importance of maintaining secure coding practices throughout the development lifecycle.
  5. Mention any certifications or compliance regulations followed by the organization or third-party vendor in relation to code security.
  6. Outline the procedures for managing and addressing security vulnerabilities or incidents that may arise during code development.
  7. Discuss the level of control and oversight that your organization has over the code development process, regardless of whether it is in-house or outsourced.
  8. If code development is outsourced, mention how the organization ensures the security and confidentiality of the source code.
  9. Highlight any relevant tools or frameworks utilized for secure code development, such as static code analysis tools, secure coding guidelines, or vulnerability scanning tools.
  10. Provide examples of past successful projects that demonstrate your commitment to code security and how you have effectively managed the development process, both in-house and with third-party vendors.

Example Answers

Example 1:

At [Company Name], we take code security seriously. Our code development is predominantly completed in-house, allowing us to maintain complete control over the process and ensure the highest level of security. Our dedicated team of experienced developers follows rigorous security practices throughout the entire development lifecycle. We conduct regular code reviews to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, we have implemented strong access controls to restrict code access to authorized personnel only. By leveraging industry-leading tools like static code analysis and vulnerability scanning tools, we proactively identify security issues and address them promptly. Our commitment to secure code development is exemplified by our adherence to standards such as OWASP guidelines and maintaining compliance with industry regulations, such as ISO 27001.

Example 2:

At [Company Name], we recognize that each project has unique requirements, and sometimes it may be beneficial to work with third-party vendors for code development. In such cases, we carefully select trusted partners who align with our stringent security standards. These vendors undergo a thorough evaluation process to ensure they meet our security expectations. Throughout the development engagement, we maintain constant communication and oversight to guarantee all security protocols are followed. We establish strict non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect the code's confidentiality and restrict access to authorized personnel only. Our team conducts regular security assessments and code audits to identify and fix any potential vulnerabilities. By diligently managing the development process, we successfully maintain the security and integrity of code, whether it is completed in-house or by trusted third-party vendors.

Example 3:

At [Company Name], we place a significant emphasis on code security regardless of whether it is developed in-house or outsourced. To ensure the highest level of security, we adopt a hybrid approach where some code development is completed in-house while certain specialized development activities are outsourced to trusted third-party vendors. This allows us to take advantage of external expertise while maintaining complete control over security-related aspects. In all cases, we strictly enforce secure coding practices and conduct comprehensive code reviews to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities. We have established a robust incident management process to handle security incidents promptly if they arise. Our team follows industry standards such as Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies and leverages tools like secure coding guidelines and vulnerability scanning tools to ensure the code's integrity. By combining the strengths of in-house development and trusted third-party engagement, we provide a comprehensive approach to code security.

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